UPDATED 3/5/2022 8am
As you may have heard, the CDC has updated its guidance regarding masking. And, the city of Boston also has updated its masking guidance to make it now optional for indoor spaces. As a result, Hill House is aligning its own policy to make masks optional for indoor programs beginning March 5, 2022.
We encourage families to follow their comfort level in terms of whether they would like their child to continue to wear masks during our programs. We will ensure that children feel respected, comfortable, and supported in whatever their family's preference is.
Additionally, similar to most school districts' recent change in policy, we will no longer be contacting classes/teams of positive cases in our community. As always, if your child tests positive for COVID-19 and/or if unvaccinated and is a close contact of a COVID-19 positive person, we'll still require that you quarantine and test per the CDC's guidance.
As guidance is ever-changing, we will continue to update you should we need to adjust our policies or protocols. We are committed to continuous communication with and support of our community.
UPDATED 1/25/2022 2pm
We are happy to welcome everyone back to programs this week.
As you know, the CDC has updated its guidance regarding quarantining. As a result, we've created a chart that outlines our own protocols with positive cases and close contacts based on vaccination status, symptoms, and close contacts. We hope that this should capture most scenarios, however, we recognize that there could be situations that require a more nuanced interpretation. Please see our updated COVID-19 Protocol for Winter 2022 here: HH Winter 2022 COVID-19
Please remember that masking is mandatory for all participants (over age 2), staff, and volunteers for all indoor winter programs. Masks should be worn securely and over the nose and mouth.
Additionally, we've looked into the City of Boston vaccine mandate and according to their FAQ page, schools and community centers are exempted.
What should you do if you or someone in your household has been exposed to and/or are positive for COVID-19 and attended programs?
Please email us immediately (email is the fastest, most direct way to ensure we get the message to our leadership team quickly when every moment is critical--especially during the weekend or after hours). We'll then determine what contact tracing is required based on the specific situation.
As guidance is ever-changing, we will continue to update you should we need to adjust our policies or protocols. We are committed to continuous communication with and support of our community. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact us.
UPDATED 11/29/2021 10AM
Vaccination, Masking, Contact Tracing, and Quarantine protocols for the Winter 2021-2022 season
- All staff and volunteers are required to be vaccinated and show proof of such to the leadership staff.
- Masks are required for anyone over 2-years old (participants, staff, and volunteers) during indoor programs regardless of vaccination status.
- Spectators are not allowed at any of our indoor programs (this includes the Huntington YMCA and the Steriti Ice Rink).
- A vaccinated individual (adult or child 5 years or older) who is exposed to a COVID-19 positive individual during indoor programs but not exhibiting symptoms will need to monitor themselves for symptoms. If they do show symptoms or should symptoms develop, they should test immediately and stay home until a negative test and are symptom-free for 24 hours (if they test positive, they should notify us immediately and quarantine and retest per CDC guidance).
- An unvaccinated child will need to test and quarantine for the CDC recommended time (a 7-, 10-, or 14-day quarantine period depending on last exposure or other variables). Participants are subject to a baseline PCR test immediately after notification of exposure and then an additional test 7 days later.
- A definition of a close contact for the basketball league will be for the participant (or coach's) team and potentially the opposing team during games and will be notified individually, accordingly. The entire division will receive a courtesy notification of the positive case but will not necessarily be defined as a close contact.
- Should we find community-spread within one of our indoor programs, we will take steps to halt the program for the recommended amount of time in order to ensure adequate cleaning, testing, contact tracing, and quarantining can occur.
What should you do if you or someone in your household has been exposed to and/or are positive for COVID-19?
- Please email us immediately (email is the fastest, most direct way to ensure we get the message to our leadership team quickly when every moment is critical--especially during the weekend or after hours). We'll then determine what contact tracing is required based on the specific situation.
UPDATED 9/6/21 10AM
Dear Hill House Families and Community Members,
We hope you enjoyed your summer and we are looking forward to seeing you all this week!
As we move into Fall programs, we wanted to update you with our revised COVID-19 Protocols for the Fall 2021 season. These protocols are based on the latest recommendations from the CDC, local public health authorities, and are aligned with what most schools and similar youth programs are implementing in our area to mitigate the risk of spread of COVID-19. Please note that these protocols are subject to change based on local public health conditions, guidance, regulations, and mandates and we will update you accordingly.
As a reminder, all participants will need to have a new COVID-19 waiver signed by a parent/guardian on file for the Fall 2021 season. Waivers can be found here: https://www.hillhouseboston.org/AssetFactory.aspx?vid=73070&dam=1
Vaccination, Masking, Contact Tracing, and Quarantine protocols for the Fall 2021 season
- All staff are required to be vaccinated.
- Masks are required for anyone over 2-years old during indoor programs regardless of vaccination status.
- Masks are not required for outdoor programs regardless of vaccination status but are optional for anyone who would feel more comfortable wearing a mask.
- Activities that occur outside on the fields do not require any contact tracing.
- United travel soccer game participants will need to follow local town requirements for away games.
- INDOOR ACTIVITIES: An individual who is exposed to a COVID-19 positive individual during indoor programs while both individuals were masked, as long as the individuals were spaced at least 6-feet apart, is exempt from testing** and quarantine response protocols. Classes where it is difficult to maintain 6-feet at all times will be subject to traditional contact tracing, etc. regardless of masking.
Potential results of contact tracing:
- Participants and staff who are vaccinated and showing no symptoms return to programs after baseline negative rapid test and 24 hours of no symptoms.
- Participants and staff who are vaccinated and showing symptoms are subject to PCR testing and can return to programs after negative test results of baseline PCR test (after immediate notification of close contact) and 24 hours of no symptoms.
- Participants who are unvaccinated will be in a 7-, 10-, or 14-day quarantine period depending on last exposure or other variables. Participants are subject to a baseline PCR test immediately after notification of exposure and then an additional test 7 days later.
What should you do if you or someone in your household has been exposed to and/or are positive for COVID-19?
- Please email us immediately (email is the fastest, most direct way to ensure we get the message to our leadership team quickly when every moment is critical--especially during the weekend or after hours). We'll then determine what contact tracing is required based on the specific situation.
Again, we recoginze that these policies and protocols may be changed again if our governing bodies and/or local officials need to update the guidance, and we will communicate any such changes as quickly as possible. We are committed to continuous communication with and support of our community. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact me.
Lauren Hoops-Schmieg
Executive Director
**please note that given the participants' ages and curriculum, most classes it will be difficult to maintain 6-feet distance at all times and thus will most likely be required to undergo contact tracing and testing protocols should there be potential exposure to a COVID-19 positive person.
UPDTED 5/6/21 2:30PM
Dear Hill House Families,
We continue to follow guidance from the CDC, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston Area Youth Soccer, Mass Youth Soccer, Little League, Inc. and Boston's Board of Health. The mask requirements have now changed per these governing bodies and local public health officials and we have updated our policies accordingly.
Effective starting on Friday, May 21, 2021, the following outdoor masking policy will be in place for all Hill House youth athletics.
· All coaches and players on the bench must continue to wear a mask, as well as when they are entering and exiting the field of play
· Spectators for United travel soccer games should wear a mask entering and exiting facilities, but can remove masks once situated, provided they are able to follow distancing guidelines and remain in a family group on the field.
· All players 18 years old and younger do not need to wear masks while on the field of play.
· All players and adults 19 years old and older must still wear masks at all times when they cannot be socially distant from everyone else.
· Any player who prefers to wear a mask during play is welcomed to do so.
We recognize that this policy may be changed again if our governing bodies and/or local officials need to update the guidance, and we will communicate any such changes as quickly as possible. We are committed to continuous communication with and support of our community. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact me.
Lauren Hoops-Schmieg
Executive Director
UPDATED 2/11/21 1:45PM
After missing out on our normal spring season in 2020, we are excited to offer you a full lineup of safe, fun and exciting programs this upcoming spring -especially as we’re able to be back outside! Baseball and softball leagues will be in full swing, with updated health and safety guidelines. Our karate and music classes will be back outside as well and we will continue to offer the option for you to form pods with our enrichment and athletics instructors. We will continually remain focused on keeping our employees and our families safe, healthy, and informed. Below we highlight some of the important policies and protocols we have implemented, as well as provide links and info to register for spring programs. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Spring Athletics COVID-19 Health & Wellness Guidelines
Spring Registration and Dates
We look forward to seeing you for our spring programming! Here are the important dates for our spring season. Registration happening now!
Week of March 15, 2021
All indoor programs begin
Week of April 5
Boston Common fields open
TERSF fields open
Spring Program Guidelines
Wear a mask – mandatory
Anyone (parents/guardians, nannies, participants, siblings, staff, volunteers, etc.) entering any of our program spaces (whether it is outdoors on the fields or inside the firehouse & 74 Joy St) will need to wear a mask at all times.
Only participants ages 3+ will be allowed in-person programming due to the mask requirement. We will have online programs for those children under 3 years old.
Practice social distancing
Please remember to stay a safe distance (at least 6 feet) from other families. Let’s all be as safe as possible. We've reduced capacity in all our rooms.
No strollers will be allowed inside the building during programs and will need to be parked outside.
Programs are Pick Up and Drop Off Only
In order to comply with state and local public health requirements, we are focused on keeping capacity down at all facilities--both indoors and on the fields. All programs will be pick-up/drop-off, which will allow one spectator per family. There will be no waiting for families inside our buildings while children participate in our programs. We will be asking you to sign your child in and out.
For programs being held at 74 Joy St, all participants will enter through the gym door in the back for check in (please do not use the main entrance--there will be signage).
Health screening interviews will be required for all staff & participants entering indoor and outdoor facilities.
At the start of each program and before entering any of our program buildings, all staff & participants will be asked a series of wellness and COVID-exposure questions.
Additionally, before the start of spring programs, all participant families will be required to sign a waiver acknowledging the risks inherent in participating in Hill House programs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Updated 11/17/20 1:30PM
As the state of this public health emergency changes from day to day, we will remain focused on keeping our employees and our families safe, healthy, and informed. Here we highlight some of the important policies and protocols we have implemented, as well as provide links and info to register for winter programs. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Winter Registration and Dates
We look forward to seeing you for our winter programming! Here are the important dates for our winter season. Registration happening now!
DECEMBER 7, 2020
All Winter Programs Begin
DECEMBER 18, 2020
Last Day Winter Programs Before Holiday Break
JANUARY 4, 2021 (full week)
Free Online Fitness & Enrichment Programs Available (schedule available shortly)
JANUARY 11, 2021
All Winter Programs Resume
Wear a mask – mandatory
Anyone (parents/guardians, nannies, participants, siblings, staff, volunteers, etc.) entering any of our program spaces (whether it is outdoors on the fields or inside the firehouse & 74 Joy St) will need to wear a mask at all times.
Only participants ages 3+ will be allowed in-person programming due to the mask requirement. We will have online programs for those children under 3 years old.
Practice social distancing
Please remember to stay a safe distance (at least 6 feet) from other families. Let’s all be as safe as possible. We've reduced capacity in all our rooms.
No strollers will be allowed inside the building during programs and will need to be parked outside.
Programs are Pick Up and Drop Off Only
In order to comply with state and local public health requirements, we are focused on keeping capacity down at all facilities--both indoors and on the fields. All programs will be pick-up/drop-off, which will allow one spectator per family. There will be no waiting for families inside our buildings while children participate in our programs. We will be asking you to sign your child in and out.
For programs being held at 74 Joy St, all participants will enter through the gym door in the back for check in (please do not use the main entrance--there will be signage).
Health screening interviews will be required for all staff & participants entering indoor and outdoor facilities
At the start of each program and before entering any of our program buildings, all staff & participants will be asked a series of wellness and COVID-exposure questions.
Additionally, before the start of winter programs, all participant families will be required to sign a waiver acknowledging the risks inherent in participating in Hill House programs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Updated 11/9/20 2:30PM
Close-Contact Exposure and Quarantining:
As the COVID-19 virus continues to spread, we wanted to remind parents of our policy for close-contact and quarantining. The CDC defines a close contact as any individual within 6 feet of an infected person for a total of 15 minutes or more of laboratory-confirmed or probable COVID-19 patients.
If you or your child has been notified that a classmate or family member may be quarantining due to exposure to COVID, please let us know as soon as you learn that so that we can assess the safety of your child attending our programs. Additionally, if you or your child has been asked to quarantine due to exposure as a close contact (e.g., a classmate in school, a family member in your household, etc. who tested positive or is probable for COVID-19), we ask that you notify us immediately so that we can determine timelines of the risk and exposure to all other participants, staff, and volunteers in our program.
Additionally, if you and/or your child has been asked to quarantine due to potential exposure or awaiting the results of your own COVID-19 test, that you not attend Hill House until your 14-day quarantine is finished, regardless of test results.
Again, it is critical that if any member of your household has been asked to quarantine for the full 14-day period and not attend Hill House programs. And as a close contact, potential exposure and/or COVID-19 test results, we ask that Hill House be part of your notification network that you contact IMMEDIATELY so that we can make determination as to whether we have to notify additional participants of their potential exposure, if we need to reschedule a class, understand timelines for how long quarantining is to take place, determine whether any staff are at risk, etc.
We appreciate your help with our efforts to continue to run programs safely and keep our community healthy.
Updated 8/24 -
We are excited for fall and we've missed you!
These past few months have been challenging for everyone--especially our kids--and we hope that you are all safe and healthy amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
As fall programs start, we wanted to outline some of the new safety measures and new policies we have implemented.
Additionally, we wanted to make sure you knew about all the awesome programs we are running both in person and online this fall so that you could register. Our hope is that there is plenty of variety for our families based on their comfort level.
As the state of this public health emergency changes from day to day, we will remain focused on keeping our employees and our families safe, healthy, and informed. This email will highlight some of the important new policies and protocols we have implemented, as well as provide links and info to register for fall programs. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Fall Program Registration & Start Dates
Outdoor athletics will begin the week of September 8th. Please watch the following videos of our new athletics procedures and guidelines -
- Fall 2020 Athletics Guidelines
- Video for Safety Regulations and Guidelines for Fall 2020 United Teams
- Fall 2020 In-house Soccer League guidelines and safety initiatives
- Video overview of the revised 2020 Safety Guidelines and protocols for the Boston NFL Flag Football League
All other programs, including preschool athletics and enrichment programs will begin the week of September 14th.
Stay tuned as Chelsea and Marshall will be hosting a preschool and enrichment programs online zoom session later this month to answer all your questions.
Wear a mask – mandatory
Anyone (parents/guardians, nannies, participants, siblings, staff, volunteers, etc.) entering any of our program spaces (whether it is outdoors on the fields or inside the firehouse & 74 Joy St) will need to wear a mask at all times.
Only participants ages 3+ will be allowed in-person programming due to the mask requirement. We will have online programs for those children under 3 years old.
Practice social distancing
Please remember to stay a safe distance (at least 6 feet) from other families. Let’s all be as safe as possible. We've reduced capacity in all our rooms and on the fields.
No strollers will be allowed inside the building during programs and will need to be parked outside.
Programs are Pick Up and Drop Off Only
In order to comply with state and local public health requirements, we are focused on keeping capacity down at all facilities--both indoors and on the fields. All programs will be pick-up/drop-off with the exception of United travel soccer, which will allow one spectator per family. There will be no waiting for families inside our buildings while children participate in our programs. We will be asking you to sign your child in and out.
For programs being held at 74 Joy St, all participants will enter through the gym door in the back for check in (please do not use the main entrance--there will be signage).
Health screening interviews will be required for all staff & participants entering indoor and outdoor facilities
At the start of each program and before entering any of our program buildings or fields, all staff & participants will be asked a series of wellness and COVID-exposure questions.
Additionally, before the start of fall programs, all participant families will be required to sign a waiver acknowledging the risks inherent in participating in Hill House programs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Cleaning & Disinfecting Protocols
We've taken a lot of precautions to create safe and healthy spaces for our programs, including:
• Touchless handsanitizing stations throughout the firehouse, as well as several hand sanitizer stations at 74 Joy Street and the Athletics Fields.
• All participants will be required to wash/sanitize their hands at the start and end of each program.
• All equipment will be wiped down by staff with disinfecting wipes between each use including outdoor athletics equipment.
• Disinfecting fogging cleaning machines for each of the two buildings
• Air purifying machines located throughout the firehouse.
• Installing UV lights in our HVAC system at the firehouse
• No sharing art supplies (each child will have their own for projects)
• Plus many other cleaning procedures
Still have questions or concerns?
We recognize there have been a ton of changes since the spring and that many of you will still have many questions. Please feel free to reach out to us so that we can address your concerns.
For athletics, email Marshall at mcaldera@hillhouseboston.org
For enrichment programs, email Chelsea at cevered@hillhouseboston.org
For general concerns or questions, please email Lauren, our Executive Director, at lschmieg@hillhouseboston.org
Update 6/2/20 4PM
Dear Hill House Summer Camp Families:
The Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care released the new guidelines/guidance for the reopening of youth programs yesterday. Hill House is currently reviewing these guidelines and awaiting the publication of further clarification, required forms, and information from the public health officials. We will be required to have our reopening plan approved by the state prior to opening the program. Here is the link for your own information as to what the plan will entail: https://eeclead.force.com/resource/1591036172000/Min_Req
As of today, our targeted reopening date for in-person programming remains the same: June 29, 2020. Virtual camp will run the weeks of June 15th and June 22nd.
There will be many changes that will be implemented to our in-person camp program when reopening, including:
- Daily temperature/health screenings
- Frequent and regimented cleanings and disinfecting throughout the day and every evening
- Staff/child ratios and grouping restrictions
- Non-sharing of toys
- Distancing requirements
- Mask requirements for staff and possible mask requirements for children
- Snack/lunch policies
- Lots of outdoor time
- and additional guidelines that we are seeking clarification on prior to announcing them to families.
Summer camp, while it will look different this year, please be assured that the underlying spirit of Hill House, community, fun, and friendship will remain the same.
I know you have many questions and we do too. We are going to be consulting with public health officials and others to ensure that we have the most comprehensive health and safety plan available, while still ensuring a fun and community spirited program. We are working through the plan and as soon as we have an approved plan by the state, we will notify you.
I hope you are all doing well and we look forward to seeing everyone this summer!
Stay well and warmest wishes,
Update 5/7/20 8PM
Dear Hill House Summer Camp Family,
Summer camp is my favorite time of year for Hill House. I truly love summer camp. I have always believed that summer camp provides kids with the opportunity to imagine, create, have fun, and explore new interests while also getting out into the sunshine and making new friends and reconnecting with old friends.
This year is different for all of us. I long for times before COVID-19 impacted our world, but unfortunately, it is a reality that we have to work through. I still believe that Hill House summer camp, in some form, will play an important part in all of our children’s lives this summer.
As we have stated all along, our hope is that we’ll be able to run our traditional, in-person camp for all our campers this summer. That said, the health and safety of all our families and staff are still the number one priority and we will follow whatever guidance the CDC, our local elected leaders, the American Camp Association, the Massachusetts Camping Association, and our public health officials say is safe to do. We hope to hear more from them soon. We are planning for three possible scenarios and several potential opening dates that could include a possible blend of virtual and in-person camp depending on what mandates we are asked to follow and what dates we are allowed to open. As soon as we have more information, we will pass it along to our families.
We are proceeding full-steam ahead with the hope our traditional camps will open and registration is still open. Should we learn that we can’t offer the same, traditional in-person programming that we have offered each summer for the past 20+ years, we will provide families many alternative options including participation in our innovative virtual camp that kids can build skills and interact with other kids and instructors in real-time via Zoom; credits toward next summer (2021) at this summer’s rates; credits toward fall or future school-year Hill House programs; and refunds (with a much more relaxed policy than previous years—so no need to rush before the June 1st deadline as we’ve eliminated that deadline and extended requests for refunds for anytime this summer given the unique circumstances).
Our staff is still working full-time and is planning all kinds of fun activities, songs, and games for this summer—no matter in which form it takes. We miss you all and cannot wait to see you again! Please stay tuned and we promise to have more information as to the structure and logistics you’ll need to joining us in making this a fun-filled summer for your child with Hill House.
Stay well and our warmest wishes to you and yours.
Lauren Hoops-Schmieg
Executive Director
Update 4/22/20 11AM
Dear Hill House friends, neighbors, and community,
We hope you are all well and managing through these unprecedented times. We know that this has been an adjustment for all of us and Hill House is continually striving to adapt and create new ways to keep our community connected.
As you have heard by now, Governor Baker has extended the closure of all public & private schools and non-essential daycares until June 29th. As a result, we will not be able to resume in-person or outdoor programming for the remainder of the spring season. We are disappointed; however, we completely understand how important it is to keep our families safe and reduce the risk of more spread of this terrible virus. We are still here for you.
We hope that you have enjoyed our online programming so far. We are extending - and actually - expanding our options (particularly in the athletics side) through the end of spring.
Our expanded and complete schedule of online classes offered through the end of June are listed at: http://www.hillhouseboston.org/Athletics/Online_Classes.htm
It requires no action on your part as you can remain in your current weekly Zoom class through your program’s original end date. Simply continue to attend and your favorite instructors and coaches will be there to provide drills, training, and socializing with your friends and neighbors. And, if you want to add programs to your child’s schedule, simply reach out to our program staff and they’ll be happy to help you enroll in additional programs.
We know how important it is to keep kids active, healthy, and socialized, and we hope that these online classes will help families stay fit and happy.
If you haven’t had a chance, we also encourage you to join us 2x per week for our FREE family fun nights. To learn more or to register, visit our homepage under Events for upcoming fun and silly times: http://www.hillhouseboston.org/
For those of you in our summer camp, we do have big plans for camp and we’ll be reaching out to families over the next week to talk through some ideas we have. Stay tuned!
Also, be on the lookout for our fall program schedule to be published soon. And, our fall soccer schedule has been announced and you can find it here. http://www.hillhouseboston.org/Athletics/Hill_House___Soccer.htm
Also, our team of volunteers on HHOP/Council has been busy creating phone trees to help families in need, donation drives, and other important outreach. To learn more on how you can help those who are in need of some assistance, please contact Meredith Adamczyk at madamczyk@hillhouseboston.org.
Finally, as you know, Hill House is an independent nonprofit community center who has been serving our downtown Boston neighborhoods for more than 50 years. We have been impacted financially by COVID-19. We hope you will consider continuing to support us during these uncertain times by donating to our Annual Appeal. Your funds will help us continue to offer quality programs, retain staff, maintain our facilities, and help our neighbors in need. To donate to our Annual Appeal, please visit: http://www.hillhouseboston.org/Donate/Annual_Appeal.htm
We miss you all terribly and wish we could be together with you. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any additional questions. In the meantime, stay safe and we cannot wait until we’re able to get back to the Firehouse, on the fields, and throughout Boston to see you all again soon.
Be safe and well—
Lauren Hoops-Schmieg, Executive Director & the entire Hill House team
Update 3/30/20 11AM
Dear Hill House Community,
Governor Baker has closed all schools until May 4th.
Last week, we pilot tested offering our programs online and we are pleased to say that those tests went very well. While we recognize that the preference will always be to host classes in person, we believe that connecting our community virtually during these uncertain times is critical and we are pleased to roll out live online offerings with your favorite instructors for most of our programs beginning this week for the month of April.
For those enrolled in our programs, you’ll be receiving Zoom links directly from our program staff. If you would like to try to enroll in additional programs, please let them know.
Our hope is to reopen in-person programming on May 4th. Our athletic leagues will also open at that time.
Hill House is a nonprofit community who relies on our program fees and donations to remain a critical piece of the daily life and well-being of our downtown Boston community. We are so grateful for all the support our community has shown us over the years and we are striving to continue to connect our neighbors and friends during these unchartered times.
We miss you and hope that you and your loved ones a healthy and secure. Please, stay home and stay safe. We are looking forward to seeing you all online this week and in person next month!
Warmest wishes,
Lauren Hoops-Schmieg
Executive Director
Update 3/13/20 8:00PM
From the City of Boston: As the news regarding the coronavirus continues to evolve, together with our public health and public safety partners, The City of Boston is committed to identifying actions we can take collectively to prevent the spread of this virus and protect people from exposure. The Boston Public Health Commission and Boston EMS are preparing for all scenarios involving coronavirus to ensure we will have a safe and effective response.
Our first priority remains to keep the people of Boston safe & healthy. It is our hope that by taking preventative steps now, we will mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 in Boston. We will continue monitoring the situation and will keep you informed as we learn more.
Update 3/12/20 11AM
Dear Hill House Community,As you have seen on the news or may have been personally notified, several schools in Massachusetts have closed—including the Eliot School and Park Street School, due to potential exposure to by someone in their community who did have contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19.
We have always stated, the health and safety for our community members is our number one priority. While there haven’t been any reports of any of our staff or participants having been exposed, we do recognize there seems to be a good deal of overlap in our community with these schools.
Hill House has decided to suspend programs until March 30th effective at noon today (March 12, 2020). Out of an abundance of caution, and in timing with many of the local private school breaks, we hope this temporary suspension will help local officials and the medical community in trying to slow the risk of spread. We’ll have our cleaners come in and perform an intensive deep clean as an additional precaution.
We want our community to stay connected! All our administrative staff will be working from home during this period. We’ll be continuing our plans for spring including our baseball league! If you need to reach us, our phones are forwarded to our cell phones and we all have computers w/our emails, as well as have access to our work files and software applications at home—we are still here for you! Our Program staff is looking into ways we might be able to offer complementary online classes with some of our favorite instructors. They would be password protected for those registered in those classes. Stay tuned as we try to work out the logistics of this new initiative in these unchartered times.
The good news is that we have several potential make-up weeks built into our schedule. Our plans are to run the spring season in its entirety resuming on March 30th assuming that there is no additional guidance from local and state officials to be closed. Should there be any extension of the suspension of programming, we will notify you immediately.
We will miss you all incredibly over the next two weeks, but are certain that as a community, we’ll be able to come together even when we are apart. Stay healthy, get some rest, and we look forward to opening back up as soon as possible so that we can continue to be your backyard in the city.
Warmest wishes,
Lauren Hoops-Schmieg
Executive Director
Updated 3/11/20
What is Hill House Doing to Prepare?
Will Hill House be closing?
Hill House will follow the direction of local health officials. As per our normal policy, if the Boston Public Schools close, Hill House will close the organization temporarily until Boston Public Schools reopen. BPS will make these decisions in partnership healthcare experts and other community agencies and organizations. Also, should we be informed that any of our staff, instructors, or participants test positive for COVID-19, then we would close temporarily, perform a deep, disinfecting cleaning of the facility, and reopen once we have been told we are in the clear by appropriate state and local officials. If the decision is made to close Hill House temporarily, Hill House will notify the Hill House community through email, text message, and our website promptly.
What is Hill House doing to ensuring its facilities are clean and healthy?
Hill House has contracted additional cleaning at both our 127 Mount Vernon Street (the Firehouse) and the 74 Joy Street facilities—which includes deeper cleaning, expanded disinfecting, and more staffing. All cleaning supplies being used are in compliance with CDC guidelines. Hill House has sufficient supplies of soap on-hand and are ensuring that soap dispensers are constantly stocked and refilled throughout the day. We’ve also increased the number of hand sanitizer stations throughout the building and instructors and coaches have increased frequency of wiping down all equipment and commonly used surfaces with disinfecting agents.
What is Hill House’s policy in regards to cancellations, refunds, and postponements
The health and safety of our staff, participants, and greater community is our highest priority. We recognize that there are certain subsets of the population who are more at risk than others. We are currently looking at each situation on a case-by-case basis. If Hill House does have to close temporarily (2-3 weeks), we do have make-up weeks built in at the end of the spring (late May/early June) to complete a full season. If for some reason, we are required to remain closed longer than 3 weeks, then we will pro-rate refunds and/or credits for future classes for any classes not run in their entirety.
What about Hill House staff and instructors? We want them to be ok
Hill House staff are like family. We’ve asked staff to stay home if they feel unwell. We have asked any administration staff who have recently traveled through airports to work from home for 14 days. We’re also evaluating any future employee workshop and/or conference attendance, as we want to minimize large-group settings for them.
We’ve also asked our part-time instructors and coaches to notify us of any health issues and/or travel via airports. If they are sick, then they should stay home. Per Massachusetts state law, they will have accrued sick time and we should be able to pay them accordingly. In the short-term, while Hill House remains open, we will ask any instructors who have traveled to not instruct at Hill House for 14 days. For those classes, we will postpone or find substitutes. We will try to make sure that we minimize their personal economic impact.
How is Hill House monitoring the changing situation?
Our Executive Director, Lauren Hoops-Schmieg, is monitoring the situation hourly and has been in touch with local agencies, our Board of Directors, community partners, and healthcare experts to get advice. We are closely watching CDC guidance, as well as the local and state officials on what steps are necessary to keep our community safe. Hill House has provided guidance to our administrative staff, instructors and coaches, community partners, and tenants on how best to handle this evolving situation.
How will Hill House share updated information?
Until further notice, Hill House will update this website at least weekly, if not more, as we receive more information, even if only to inform the community that nothing has changed. As necessary, Hill House will also communicate with families through texts, emails, and calls.
2/28/20 Update:
We understand that many of you may have questions regarding the recent outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and how it may impact our local community. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is providing daily updates and recommendations. Please click on the following link to stay updated https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html.
While this is a public health concern, the CDC continues to report that the immediate risk to the general public remains low at this time. Yet, in today’s connected world, with a large number of families traveling during school vacation weeks and parents traveling for work, the potential for infectious disease is always of concern. As with seasonal flu and strep infections, there are general precautions we can all take to remain as healthy as possible.
- Practice good hand hygiene. Wash your hands often and thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.
- When coughing and sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue. You can also cough or sneeze into your sleeve.
- Throw used tissues in the trash and immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Avoid sharing drinking glasses, cups, eating utensils, dishes, towels or other items. Wash these items thoroughly with soap and water after use.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick whenever possible.
- Practice other good health habits: Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home, work or school, especially when someone is ill. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food.
- It is important to keep children and caregivers home from programs when they are ill. If you, your child, or your caregiver have any of the following symptoms please keep them home and ask us about the potential for make-up classes: temperature greater than 100.4, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, any rash not yet diagnosed by a physician, red or pink itchy eye, and/or drainage from eye, and any contagious illness such as chicken pox, strep throat or flu. For additional guidance on when to keep you, your child, or your caregiver home, please refer to Flu Symptom Checklist.
The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is an evolving situation that we are following closely and will continue to update you as information is shared with us. Please rest assured that we are monitoring and adhering to guidance from the CDC, state and local officials, schools, and other community programs.
Additionally, we are vigilantly disinfecting and sanitizing our program spaces as we typically do during cold and flu season and have purchased additional hand sanitizers and Clorox wipes and sprays for each space to help augment the sanitizing that is already occurring. We've instructed our cleaning company to add more resources to ensure our spaces get deeper cleaning during this season. We've also asked our program instructors and coaches to spend more time before and after class disinfecting equipment between each class use.
The health and well-being of our participants, staff, volunteers, and community members is of utmost importance and we will continue to share new information with you, as necessary, about this evolving situation. If you have additional questions, you can also call the Department of Public Health Epidemiology line, 24 hours a day/7 days a week, at 617.983.6800. You can also refer to the DPH website at www.mass.gov/2019coronavirus.